According to the CDC, only about 24% of children between the ages of 6 to 17 get the daily recommended exercise. If only the CDC counted jumping around on all the furniture. Maybe in next year’s report? Anyways, as parents, there’s no hiding that we’ve gotten more relaxed about screen time, especially during a year when we’ve been inside more than ever. Getting up and getting moving isn’t always easy, but it’s important to do on a daily basis! 

If you have a little one who loves running, jumping, and climbing on every surface, then boy oh boy do we have the sport for you. Not only does participating in a sport like gymnastics come with many benefits, it’s a great way for your child to exercise! Keep reading to learn more about what they are. 


1. A great way to stay active  

Let’s start with the big one — gymnastics ensures that you stay active! While all children won't stay in gymnastics classes forever, starting in a sport like gymnastics early in life can help them develop the physical skills they need to sustain a healthy lifestyle. 


2. Gymnastics can improve their flexibility 

Raise your hands if you can touch your toes? We’re half raising because sometimes we have good days, and others are not as...flexible. Believe it or not, flexibility is important, and can help your children excel in other team sports

Gymnastics can also teach children to improve their coordination. Exercises to help them use their bodies and environment to the best of their abilities is a skill that's crucial in other sports as well. 


3. It can help with self esteem 

When it comes to childhood development, maintaining a strong self-esteem plays a fairly important role. Gymnastics can help children gain the confidence to try new things — even when they fail. It’s a sport that you very rarely succeed on your first attempt (however, Simone Biles, if you’re reading this, please ignore!) 

One of the best benefits of gymnastics is that it can help build a child's self-esteem. Learning a routine and performing it in front of others can help children feel comfortable performing in front of a crowd. 


4. Children will learn to socialize more 

While it might  seem like social skills come naturally, learning how to socialize actually takes practice. Like sports, it’s not something you become good at overnight.  

A gymnastics gym — either in-person or virtually — is a great place for children to learn how to interact with kids their own age. Taking gymnastics classes will also teach children to work well with others. They'll learn how to listen and improve with the help of their instructors and peers. 


5. Gymnastics can teach a child about hard work 

Your little ones will also learn how hard work can lead to reward and accomplishment. Of course, exercising is important, but learning how to make a commitment and stick to it is so valuable! 

The work they put in day in and day out will show them that the dedication to the sport is worth the effort.Finding the determination within themselves to continue to strive to be the best they can be is a great quality for a child to develop, it'll help them in every aspect of their lives. 


6. It can help develop cognition 

Cognitive development is crucial for a growing child. Learning how to process information, recall, and be more attentive are important life skills that gymnastics can help develop. 

Gymnastics, through the steady use of your body and mind, helps develop the cognitive skills that help children with concentration and focus. This can also help them excel academically! 


7. Gymnastics can teach a child about setting goals 

Since gymnastics requires a lot of hard work, it's a great way to teach children about setting goals.. 

Learning to set goals early in life will give children the experience necessary to continue to do so as they get older — like in school, and later in their careers! Taking gymnastic classes can also teach young children about structure and routine, giving them a sense of what's necessary to keep motivated and productive with everything they do. 

8. A fun way to express creativity 

We’re not going to tell you gymnastics isn’t a tough sport — to succeed it takes practice and hard work. However, one of the beautiful parts of the sport is that it fosters self-expression. It's a great way for them to express themselves using their bodies, pushing themselves to try new moves and stunts. Classes will never be boring because there's always a new move to learn. 

The benefits of gymnastics explained

Gymnastics offers a lot of great benefits for kids. It can help keep them get active, boost their self-esteem, and help them learn important social skills they'll need throughout their life. Whether you’re looking to book an in-person class, or even a virtual gymnastics class, there are plenty of options to fit your schedule! 

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