Program Overview
Our Reggio Emilia-inspired Bambini & Me program provides an opportunity for children ages 2-3 years old and their parents/caregivers to play, learn, and grow together in a school setting!
This two-hour program runs from 9:00 – 11:00 am and is designed for children ages 2-3 years old. All children must be 2 years old by September 1, 2024.
Gentle Separation
Fostering the transfer of trust between caregiver and school, our Bambini & Me program will introduce gentle separation for students over the course of the session.
At the beginning of the session, you can expect to stay with your child as they adjust to the space and learn the routine of the classroom. When ready, caregivers will practice separating for designated periods of time, while some remain in the room to support the children in collaboration with the lead teacher. Caregivers will be given an in-classroom supportive schedule to determine when it's their turn to be a helping hand. When not scheduled, caregivers can briefly step off campus and return to pick up their child after the class's duration.
Caregiver & Educator Partnership
An essential goal of Bambini & Me is to build a partnership between caregiver and educator. Interactions will be led, modeled, explained, and encouraged by the educator in an effort to coach caregivers in supporting their children. Caregivers will also be called upon to assist the children in age-appropriate social interactions and conflicts. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to support your child’s social and emotional development.
Conferences will be provided at the end of each session for parents/caregivers with the Bambini teacher to discuss their child’s development as well as any parenting and preschool preparation questions.
Caregivers will also have the opportunity to participate in dialogue with our Early Childhood Director as well as the Bennett Day Enrollment team to learn more about the PreKindergarten program at Bennett Day.
A parent or caregiver must remain on campus during Bambini & Me for initial sessions until determined otherwise by the teacher and parent/caregiver.
As the session progresses, caregivers will engage in gentle separation, in which they observe from the sidelines, followed by stepping out of the room or going off campus (if appropriate).
All refund requests must be made at least two weeks before the program’s scheduled start date.