At Sawyer we have the privilege of working with hundreds of inspiring educators around the country. Whether they teach virtual classes or in-person activities, the curricula always foster enriching atmospheres for children of all ages to discover their love of learning. We got the opportunity to chat with Coach Mike Simpson, founder and CEO of HERO Kids Sports, an innovative, non-competitive sports enrichment program for kids ages 2-12 years old in the Denver area, to learn more about how he started his business and the benefits of youth athletics and out-of-school activities.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us! I’d love to hear a bit more about you and why you started your business.
Growing up in a family of team sport lovers, I had a sister and a brother who both played sports. Our mom and dad worked full-time but still had to constantly drive us to all our practices and games, which felt like a full-time job itself. This inspired me to create a program that is more convenient for parents. Our coaching and sports curriculum is curated for each sport, and our coaches play a huge role in how we teach and coach. They are FUN, inspirational, comical, and theatrical, creating a welcoming environment for everyone involved.
Can you describe an inspiring moment you’ve had as an educator?
An inspiring moment was when I first started my company. The kids were really enjoying and loving each curriculum game I created. They were energized, and so was I! One day, I came in to coach at a location, and half the kids were dressed just like me: black shorts, HERO shirts, black high socks, and their hair parted like mine. I received a few emails from parents saying, "Your curriculum games are all my kids want to play when they get home, and they talk about you as a coach daily. Thank you for doing what you do!" From that point on, I knew I had something very special.
What’s the most rewarding thing about teaching children?
Watching each and every kid grow in our programs is incredibly rewarding. Seeing them go from not knowing how to kick a soccer ball or work as a team to becoming a part of our HERO team is amazing.
What’s one time a child surprised you and made your day?
Every day, I travel to different schools, parks, customers' backyards, and community centers to bring our sports program to them.. One day, I arrived at a park, and it was raining. I told the parents we could cancel and provide a makeup session, but they said if I didn’t mind running the class, their kids would still love to participate. So, we ran the program and got wet! We laughed and had fun; the rain didn't matter—it added a sprinkle of extra fun. I was soaked by the end of the class. At the next park class, the sun was shining, and we continued with a successful and fun program. At the end, I received a thank you card from all the kiddos showcasing their amazing 2-6-year-old art skills, and the parents gifted me a rain jacket so that if it ever rained again, I'd be a little less soaked. It made my day. I still wear that rain jacket to this day.

On a similar note, what’s the funniest thing a child has done in your class?
We were running a "On Your Mark, Get Set, HERO GO" track and field session. Throughout this class, we do track runs, long jumps, shot put, obstacle courses, relay races, and shuttle runs. Almost every class, the kiddos can’t wait to race the coach. My turn came to race the kids, and at HERO, we always like to add a little more fun and comedy to every game. So, I said to the kids, "I am going to be Superman and be super-HERO fast!" I asked one child what they were going to be, and they yelled, “FasterMan!” I said, "Who!?" and they replied again, “FASTERMAN!” I said, "I don’t know who that is," and they replied, “Someone who is way faster than you, man!” This story and moment have stuck with me ever since. I burst out laughing.
Why is after school/extracurricular enrichment and camp so important for children?
HERO creates a culturally inclusive and emotionally rich environment, equipping youth with key on-field and off-field skills like cognitive regulation and emotional competencies. Research shows that an active lifestyle enhances brain functions related to thinking, memory, and problem-solving, with aerobic exercise linked to improved cognitive abilities. Our program allows kids to unleash their energy in a fun, non-competitive way, whether before or after school. This approach helps them eagerly anticipate being part of the HERO Kids Sports team and truly embody our slogan, "Inspiring the HERO Inside."
How do you think children can discover their passions when they’re not in school or your programs?
Exploration and play: Free play allows children to explore their interests naturally. Whether it's building with blocks, drawing, or playing pretend, these activities can reveal what they enjoy.
Reading and storytelling: Books and stories can introduce children to new ideas, cultures, and professions, sparking interest in various fields.
Nature and outdoor activities: Spending time in nature can help children discover a love for the outdoors, animals, or environmental science. Activities like hiking, gardening, or birdwatching can be both educational and enjoyable.
Arts and crafts: Engaging in creative activities like painting, crafting, or playing a musical instrument can help children explore artistic talents.
Family and friends: Conversations and activities with family members and friends can introduce children to new hobbies and interests, providing inspiration and encouragement.
Experimentation: Encouraging children to try new things, even if they’re unsure at first, can lead to discovering passions.
And of course, physical activities and sports: Trying different sports or physical activities can help children find enjoyment in physical fitness, teamwork, and a level of competition.