Brooklyn Game Lab - Park Slope Afterschool: ONLINE  Dungeons & Dragons

Afterschool: ONLINE Dungeons & Dragons


Brooklyn Game Lab - Park Slope

Brooklyn Game Lab - Park Slope Afterschool: ONLINE  Dungeons & Dragons

7 - 14 yrs


Fri, Feb 7, 2025 - Jun 20, 2025

11 classes remaining

3:30pm - 6:00pm EST




6 students

Class Experience

Pay in full, or choose equal monthly installments for the school year, the cost is the same!


We've got virtual Dungeons & Dragons for after school fun!

This program is appropriate for kids new to Dungeons & Dragons to those more seasoned, as we divide kids into secure Zoom Rooms by age and experience. We will email you instructions in advance on how to join in!

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game set in an imaginary world based loosely on medieval myth. Players develop characters and go on quests -- game play is driven by narrative storytelling. We love to support those new to Dungeons & Dragons, and help them create a character and learn this complex game.

This program is ideal for social connection! Players work together to coordinate their complementary skill sets to problem-solve and overcome diverse challenges. Their cooperation translates into a sense of belonging and genuine social cohesion.


This online after school program meets via Zoom, once a week from 3:30 – 6:00 pm.


The first installment is charged upon registration; subsequent installments are charged on the 1st of the upcoming months. The last charge is on the first of the last month of the semester. If you register after the start of the semester, your fee is prorated.

Want more than one session per week, or have two children who want to play?

A discount of 5% is applied to each session purchased. You can even mix and match after school program types (Outdoor, Indoors, or Chess) -- and receive the 5% discount on all programs.

If you need to change your day during the school year, just let us know!  We accommodate changes at no charge, as long as there is availability.

If you know your child will be absent for registered sessions, let us know. We can schedule "advance make ups" as well as make ups after the absence.

Cancellation of enrollment before the end of the semester may result in an early termination fee of $20 per month enrolled. This information, as well as other terms and conditions can be found here:

Our policies, such as our Terms & Conditions and Health and Safety protocol can be found in our website's footer.

Questions? E-mail


Please keep an eye on your inbox for your Zoom link the night prior to your session. It is sent to the email address used to register your child. Don't forget to look in your Promotions tab or Spam folder, if you don't receive it.

If you know your child will be absent for registered sessions, let us know. We can schedule "advance make ups" as well as make ups after the absence.

Other Things To Know

Holiday Schedule
See Schedule

How To Participate

You will receive an email 30 minutes before class starts with a link to the class and access instructions.

Booking Options
After School
Payment plans available