Complete Harmony STL

Complete Harmony STL

Girl Scout Troop Yoga

Yoga for Girl Scout Troops– Complete Harmony is a registered partner with the Girls Scouts of Eastern Missouri. That means we have had background checks on all our staff, GSEM has interviewed us and approved our company, and our classes can count toward various girl scout patches. We also participate in Girl Scout events through the council throughout the year. To have us provide an hour-long yoga class either at your next troop meeting or at our space, please feel free to call or email.

Price: $15 a girl scout with a $80 minimum.*

*If your troop is located outside of St. Louis County/City extra charges may apply for travel

  • Headcount:No Limit (Can request additional headcount)

  • Duration:1 Hour (Can request additional time)

Locations (2)
  • Offsite Location
  • Complete Harmony Studio, 3520 Greenwood Blvd, 1 Floor (street level), Maplewood, MO 63143

Payment due in full 14 days before scheduled event, unless otherwise agreed upon.

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