4:30pm - 6:00pm PST
4:30pm - 6:00pm PST
1:30pm - 3:00pm PST
See class description below
Enrollment information:
Payments are broken down into Sessions & due on the 1st day of the session.
Session 1 Due by Sept 9th $472.00
Session 2 Due by Oct 28th $472.00
Session 3 Due by Jan 6th $472.00
Session 4 Due by March 3rd $472.00
Session 5 Due by April 28th $472.00
There are NO classes on these dates:
Nov 11th Veteran’s Day Holiday
December 16th-January 4th Winter Break
January 20th MLK Day Holiday
February 17th-22nd Mid-Winter Break
April 14th-19th Spring Break
*No classes on April 25th or 26th due to the DTS show
May 26th Memorial Day
Ballet Level 2
This program is for ages 11 through 17, wanting to start studying ballet & dance seriously. This class is for those with minimal ballet or other prior dance training.
To receive 10% off your first payment, be sure to register by August 15th. Use coupon code “earlyreg”.
We do offer a ONE TIME FREE TRIAL CLASS for brand new students to DCS. Click on the FREE TRIAL CLASS option when registering.
Jazz Level 2 is a required class for those dancers enrolled in our Level 2 or 3 Ballet Program. Please sign up separately for Jazz Level 2. Jazz Level 2 class will be immediately following Ballet class on Fridays, from 6-7:15 pm.
Ballet class is 3 times per week Tuesdays & Fridays from 4:30- 6pm and Saturdays from 1:30-3 pm. This class will have Saturday rehearsals, (dates & times to be determined) from 3:00-6:00 pm prior to our two performance programs this season. Rehearsal time has been calculated into your full tuition. The Performance Fee, which includes costumes, will be a separate sign up.
We do have scholarships available for those who qualify. Please email to apply.
Classes are non-refundable. Class may be made up in a similar class before the end of the same session, with a valid reason for the missed class. (Example: illness, injury, out of town, emergency situation). Please email to communicate.