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Why book with Sawyer?

Welcome to Sawyer, the largest community of online kids classes!
From music and yoga to coding and tutoring, the best providers across the country are just a click away.

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Seamless searching to save you time

Sawyer’s Marketplace is your one-stop destination for hundreds of classes and activities for kids of all ages. Filter the full list by age, date, location, class category, and more!

Activities for all ages and interests

Classes on Sawyer span ages 0 to 18+ with categories like Art, Music, STEM, Dance and even Gaming. There is so much to explore including Wizarding Quests, cooking classes and superhero training!

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Anytime, Anywhere

Our simple mobile-friendly platform makes it easy to find and book classes, organize schedules, and integrate into your own personal calendar. It’s booking, simplified!

Classes from the best educators in the country

All of our classes are tested and loved by parents and little ones! We also help you choose from the variety by providing customer reviews and personalized recommendations.

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Built by parents, for parents

Our team is composed of parents, educators, and community members who are committed to helping each child discover their own love of learning.

Ready to find your child’s next online adventure?
So are we!

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