Private Picassos

Private Picassos

Monthly Membership for One Child (Child Membership)


Get UNLIMITED Art Projects when you become a member!

Come as many times as you'd like over the course of one month and try out all of our projects!
~ Collage Exploration
~ Collagraph Printmaking
~ Drawing Exploration
~ Faux Stained Glass
~ Mixed Media Clay Sculptures **BESTSELLER**
~ Monthly Special
~ Palette Painting **BESTSELLER**
~ Paper Mache
~ Styrofoam Printmaking
~ Watercolor Exploration
~ Wood, Wire and Bead Sculptures

Extra member perks:
+ bring a friend and they get 20% off their Art Making for that day
+ get 10% off all ART CAMPS and BIRTHDAY PARTIES (must take place during the duration of your membership)
+ get 5% off all ART CLASSES (must take place during the duration of your membership)

  • Child Membership
  • One (1) month term, auto-renewing
  • Valid at certain locations only
Locations (2)
Cancellation and Refund Policy

Monthly Membership for One Child

Payment Options

One (1) month term

Pay in Full


Select Payment Type