Stars Gymnastics LLC

Stars Gymnastics LLC

L3 Grip Package

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Level 3-Team Training, Level 2-Team Training

Beginner Grips, Small wrist bands and grip bag

L4+ Grip Package

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Level 6+-Team Training, Level 5-Team Training, Level 4 PP-Team Training, Level 4 HS-Team Training

Advanced Grips, Wrist Bands & Grip Bag

Private Lesson (Rec)-1

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Recreational Private Lesson -1 only

Recreational Single Private Lesson

Private Lesson (Rec)-3

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Recreational Private Lesson -3 only

3 pack of private lessons for recreational member

Private Lesson (Team)-1

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Team-Private Lesson 1 only

Team Single Private Lesson

Private Lesson (Team)-3

0 Spots

• Redeem within 30 days from purchase

• Applies to: Team Private Lesson - 3 only

3 pack of private lessons for team member

Punch Card-Stars Gymnastics

10 Spots

• Redeem within 365 days from purchase

• Applies to: Busy Bees Open Gym only

Enjoy the freedom of attending open gym whenever it fits into your busy schedule. Not valid for regularly scheduled ongoing classes.

Taylor Swift Shirt

0 Spots

• Redeem within 60 days from purchase

• Applies to: all classes