🐴 Get ready to mount your horse and go for a ride!! In this fabulous week of camp, we'll make our very own Hobby Horse -- (parents, if you're not familiar, these were the stick horses of our childhood and have made a major resurgence, understandably so! ;) -- that you'll learn to ride, and even take outside onto a course! In addition to making our own pony, we'll spend plenty of time outdoors riding our horses this week over mini jumps and through obstacles. We'll also paint a portrait of our new horse, and have tons of fun naming it and creating artwork for and inspired by your new pony all week long! Oh and don't miss our horse show on Friday -- come and watch your rider in action!
*Please note this camp is a mixed age camp for 6 - 10 year olds. We know this camp topic is a super fun hobby for a wide range of children, and want to include everyone who wishes to participate!
ART SHOW: We invite parents, friends, and family to join us 15 minutes before pick up on Friday for a celebration of our work from the week! [11:45am (morning camps) or 3:45pm (afternoon camps)]
TINKER FULL DAY OPTIONS: Check out our Lunchtime Artists Club for full day options this summer!
We do not issue refunds. PER CAMP: