Calling all dragons, fairies, kings and queens, witches and wizards! During this very special week of camp, every camper receives a wooden castle ready to be designed, painted, furnished, and played with! We will be architects, engineers, designers, and builders this week. Add wallpaper, build light fixtures, rugs, and virtually anything you can imagine with access to our massive buffet of materials to tinker with! We will even create a peg doll set of people to live in this special home and a dragon to fly overhead!
ART SHOW: We invite parents, friends, and family to join us 15 minutes before pick up on Friday for a celebration of our work from the week! [11:45am (morning camps) or 3:45pm (afternoon camps)]
TINKER FULL DAY OPTIONS: Check out our Lunchtime Artists Club for full day options this summer!
We do not issue refunds. PER CAMP: