Competition | Online Classes for Kids
Whether it’s a team sport or an online game of Dungeons and Dragons, competing with friends or yourself is a great way to challenge yourself and learn new skills! Explore a range of competition activities with some of our favorite educators!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I teach my child to be competitive?
By taking classes with friends and other peers, children will be motivated to embrace competition. It should be noted that not all competition is intense! Some games with educators are all about fun!
What kind of competitions are there?
From team sports like baseball and soccer to individual competitions like drawing and STEM, there are no shortage of competition classes for you to explore.
What are the benefits of competition?
Children can learn to work together, learn to communicate, and see how practice and hard work help you achieve your goals!
Does Sawyer offer summer camps about Competition?
Many educators are offerring both in-person and virtual summer camps in 2021. To discover Competition camps, you can explore summer camps with top educators on Sawyer.