Toddlers are constantly learning. It’s typical for children between the ages of one and three to absorb everything going on around them. Luckily, toddlers learn the majority of their cognitive, physical, and emotional skills through play. 

As parents, we want to teach our toddlers in a way that is fun and entertaining. It’s a good thing teaching your child and playing with your child can be the same! Looking for some on the go activities? We put together a list of some of our favorites! These games will teach your toddler important skills while keeping them entertained.

Learning games you can play with a 1-year-old

1. Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic! This game teaches your children how to follow directions. You or your child can call out commands, like “Simon Says... put your finger on your nose!” and everyone follows the directions. But, if they say a command without saying, “Simon Says,” first, anyone following that command is eliminated. Make it a fun game by adding in dancing or saying funny words.

2. One for you, one for me

One for you, one for me is a game about sharing. Set out a pile of buttons or small toys for your child. Have them distribute the objects, one for themself and one for you. To add some fun to the game, set out Skittles or M&Ms (you’ll need to try hard not to eat them — but we believe in you).

3. Hot and cold

Start by hiding an object in your house. Have your child search for the item and let them know if they’re going in the right direction by saying “hot” or “cold.” When they find the item, they win the game. Make the game more exciting by hiding a favorite toy or stuffed animal. 

4. Peek a boo

Peek a boo is a great to teach young toddlers social interaction. Hide your face behind your hands — surprise your toddler by opening your hands and shouting, “Boo!”. Laughter and giggles will surely occur! . This is a fun game for both parent and child. 

5. Play house

A toddler loves nothing more than the idea of being independent. Taping together some cardboard boxes or building a blanket fort will give them a sense of independence. Put some fun balls and other sensory toys inside their “house” for added fun. 

Learning games you can play with a 2-year-old

6. Hokey Pokey

Sing the song “Hokey Pokey” and turn yourself about with your toddler. This game will help your child follow directions and learn the names of their body parts. 

7. Hide and seek

This is probably the first game we can think of that teaches problem-solving skills! Hide in a safe room of your house and have your toddler come find you. Then, let your child hide and walk around the house looking for them...even though you can probably see their feet sticking out from under the curtains. 

8. Water table

Water tables allow your child to be outside and stay engaged in an activity. Add some sponges, balls, and small containers and they will be entertained for hours. Check out these water table ideas!

9. Parachute

To play parachute, spread out a large sheet. Have your children hold an edge tightly with both hands, then have them lift the sheet up and down. As the sheet comes down, call for them to get under the sheet. This is a fun game and is always a favorite with little ones. This game helps develop their motor skills. 

10. Matching game

To develop critical thinking skills, play the matching game with your toddler. 

Learning games you can play with a 3-year-old

11. Scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts are a fun and exciting way for your child to learn. Make a list of common household objects, and have your child find and mark them off their list. To make it a little harder, have your toddler find something round, something red, or something smooth. Next time you’re at stocking up on produce try out our farmers market scavenger hunt!

12. Magnatiles

Magnatiles are a favorite in our homes. Our little ones play with them every day. It’s always great to discuss the different shapes your children make! Playing with these is guaranteed entertainment for hours. Here are some fun activities for Magnatiles

13. Obstacle course

An obstacle course is a great way to get your child outside. Create a safe, fun obstacle course that tests their gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. Have them walk on a makeshift balance beam, crawl over and under things, and run to different points in the yard. TIme them if you want to make it a competition.

14. Sidewalk chalk

There are many different ways your toddler can learn with sidewalk chalk. You can teach your child their colors, how to draw different shapes, and even numbers or letters if you think they are ready!

15. Puzzles

Puzzles can teach your toddler physical, cognitive, and emotional skills. Not only will they learn about the art of making a piece fit, they’ll learn how to be patient when they realize the last piece is missing! The puzzle can teach your child their colors, numbers, letters, and shapes. To make it a little more exciting, get an animal puzzle, and teach them their noises!

These simple learning games are fun and educational. Keeping your toddler entertained while also stimulating their senses will be a breeze! Explore even more games for toddlers on Sawyer.

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