Becoming a new parent is exciting...yet a bit nerve-wracking as well. There are so many new things to come! But watching a baby grow is an experience like no other.
As the little one grows older, parents will get to see many firsts. There's the first coo, the first laugh, and the first time they sit up. But wait...when do babies sit up for the first time?
How do parents know when to expect their little ones to reach certain baby development phases?
More information about baby development and when to expect them to sit up on their own can be found below!
1. Enhanced motor skills
Once a baby begins to have tummy time, they'll start strengthening their neck, back, and stomach muscles. Parents will notice these muscles strengthening once they see their baby lift their head off the floor and look around. Parents can help their little ones strengthen these muscles by switching their babies' positions frequently.
By switching a baby from their back to their belly, different muscles can grow stronger, enhancing their motor skills.
2. Improved neck strength
When babies are able to hold their heads up on their own, parents can expect them to be progressing towards sitting up alone quickly. During this stage, parents can place their children in baby chairs made to support little ones. There are also supportive pillows made to help a baby to sit upright that parents can use as well.
Parents should always keep an eye on their babies while in these chairs or pillows. After a while, the babies will be able to balance in a sitting position on their own for a few seconds.
3. The baby sits up with arm support
One way babies learn to hold themselves up in sitting positions to use their arms to support themselves. Parents might notice their little ones placing their hands on the floor in front of them while sitting up. This helps give them balance.
Placing a toy on the floor in front of the baby can help keep the baby busy while sitting.
Parents can also sit on the floor with their babies and place them in their laps. This way, when the babies tumble over, they land safely. Parents should remember to keep an eye on their babies during this learning stage because there will be tumbles here and there as the babies learn to hold themselves up.
4. The age of your baby
A baby may begin sitting with the use of their arms and hands around 4-6 months. Unassisted sitting may happen around 4-9 months. Once a baby learns how to sit on their own, they might begin crawling shortly after and walking as well!
Parents should remember, however, that all babies are different and will learn on their own timeline. Some babies will learn faster, while others learn at a slower pace. As long as the babies are seen by their pediatricians and parents work with them to ensure proper health, then it's best to allow the babies to learn at their own pace.
Many new parents wonder, "when do babies sit up?"
It's not uncommon for parents to wonder, "when will my baby sit up?" Unfortunately, there's no one true answer to that question. There are some guidelines parents can look at, but each baby is different.
The most important thing is that the baby is happy and healthy. The rest will come when due.