With computers and smartphones everywhere, it has become increasingly difficult to get kids outside for some physical activity. Don’t get us wrong — we’ve gotten more relaxed about our screen time rules. But it’s still important to get moving!

One of the best things a parent can do for their little ones is to enroll them in team sports. While there are a lot of options available, recently we’ve been loving basketball classes.

What exactly are the benefits of basketball for children? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits of playing basketball for kids

Staying active is important, and is even more important for children! With their minds and bodies still developing, the exercise they get during their childhood can lead to good habits for the rest of their lives. Teaching kids to stay active by playing basketball will improve their physical and mental state. Who knows? You might be raising the next Lebron...

Physical benefits of basketball

Looking for a sport where almost every bodily movement is exercised. Well, basketball could be the option for you. So much movement is packaged into this fun and engaging activity. Here are the physical benefits of kids' sports. 

1. Cardiovascular health

All that jumping and running for long periods of time gets the heart pumping. With endless running back and forth along the court, basketball requires a lot of cardiovascular endurance and consistently playing will build that. 

Good cardiovascular health helps prevent the risk of any heart disease. 

2. Muscle development

As little ones grow, so do their muscles. Did you know that they have over 600 muscles in their bodies? Having strong muscles allows little ones to perform everyday functions without the worry of fatigue or strain.

This can be everything from simple things like brushing their teeth to more intense activities like climbing on the playground. Good muscle development also helps with posture!

3. Stronger bones

It turns out just drinking milk isn’t the cure-all for strong bones (plus, we’ve realized a lot of kids aren’t fans of it…). Basketball is great for high-intensity interval training since children will be doing short bursts of high energy exercise but with intermittent breaks. Not only does playing basketball help with their muscle development but it supports the growth of healthy bones.

This is important to avoid any small injuries causing broken bones. Especially since children and teenagers are in their bone-building years.

4. Improves endurance

Kids who play basketball consistently will drastically improve their endurance — and not only muscular endurance, but heart endurance as well. Good endurance helps make everyday tasks easier and reduces the risk of injury while keeping children at a healthy weight.

5. Helps balance and coordination

With all the movement involved in basketball, it's no wonder that children improve their balance and coordination. This is tied to having stronger muscles. Little ones will also grow better spatial awareness since they'll need to be aware of their own movement and how the ball will get in the hoop. 

Cognitive benefits of basketball

You can’t write a piece about basketball without including the mental benefits!  

1. Stress relief

Children have a lot on their plates. Between schoolwork, chores, and the stressors of growing up, they must have a way to blow off some steam. Exercising releases endorphins which not only helps kids feel happier but is great for stress relief. Get them on the court after a long day of school and see how they cheer up!

2. Improve socialization

One big aspect of basketball is teamwork. Unless they're just throwing hoops on their own, children are going to be part of a team. Not only does this help them get the necessary social interaction that they need but it helps teach patience and the importance of working with others. 

3. Increased self-esteem

Working hard at a sport and witnessing your own skills improve is a huge confidence booster. Practice makes perfect, and if your children put in the time they’ll be on their way to the NBA in no time. 

4. Learn discipline 

While team sports are fun and exciting, they're also no walk in the park. Among many things, rules need to be followed for the team to improve and to compete at the highest level. Working with coaches and teammates quickly teaches discipline because you see the impact your decisions can have on a team.  

5. Cognitive thinking

Basketball requires a lot of strategic thinking and quick decisions. This kind of training helps keep a kid's mind sharp, ready for any problem-solving. The reality is that there will be mishaps your children will learn from — accepting that failure is just a part of life and they can always continue to improve. 


Ready to start playing?

These days, we’re playing a little less in public gyms, and more from home. To begin learning the fundamentals of the game, we always recommend trying online basketball classes. You’ll learn about movements, dribbling, and other essential skills to hit the ground running!

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