When it comes to comedy, one surefire way to get a reaction is with a chemistry joke.

(You might want to try something a little funnier than that, though.) 

We’ve been loving STEM classes for our children! After all, there are so many benefits. When it comes to chemistry, sometimes it can be a bit hard to grasp. That's why we've gathered the following chemistry jokes, ones we think are actually hilarious — whether or not they're incredibly corny. As your children progress in chemistry class, remember to teach these jokes along the way! They might even help your kids grasp a concept! 

Pun-ny chemistry jokes

Perhaps you want to make 'em laugh with a pun. Of course, you'll have to know a few chemistry basics to get these, so brush up on your scientific knowledge. Then, try these plays on words: 

Why do chemists seem to like nitrates so much? 

  • Well, they're cheaper than the day rates.

What do you do with a dead chemist?

  • Barium.

What should you say if someone throws sodium chloride at you? 

  • That's a salt!

What did the charged atom say to the other? 

  • I've got my ion you.

Does anyone know any sodium jokes? 

  • Na.

Want to hear a potassium joke? 

  • ...K.

What do you call a clown in jail? 

  • A silicon. 

Why do people struggle with organic chemistry so much? 

  • Well, the subject's full of alkynes of trouble. 

Did these make your audience cackle? If not, let's try some classics. 


Classic chemistry jokes

Now, onto the classics. These silly types of jokes, like the others, require a bit of learning about chemistry. But once you know the basics, these are sure to make you laugh. 

Have you heard about the chemist who read the book on helium? He couldn't put the thing down!

Old chemists don't die — they just stop reacting.

What did the acid say to the other when they got in a fight? 

  • Stop overreacting. 

Why did the DJ call himself DJ Enzyme? 

  • Because he was constantly breaking it down. 

A proton and a neutron are walking down the street together. The proton gasps and says, "I dropped an electron!" The neutron retorts, "Are you sure?" And the proton replies, "I'm positive."

Why shouldn't students drink water while they study?

  • It reduces their concentration. 

What do you call a tire made of iron? 

  • A ferrous wheel.

What's a chemist's favorite kind of dog? 

  • A laboratory retriever. 

If H2O is water, what's the formula for making ice? 

  • H2O cubed.

What happens when you run out of chemistry jokes? 

  • It's time to zinc of a few new ones. 

What's the sign of a terrible chemistry joke? 

  • Getting no reaction. 

Try these out and see if they get laughs. 

Once the chemistry jokes run out... 

The humor in chemistry jokes all boil down to one thing — an understanding of chemistry. If your child is new to the sciences, we can help. Check out our slate of online and in-person classes, meant to fill their schedules and broaden their horizons. 

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